ZeroGravitas 3 months ago

This doesn't really capture the insanity of the "plan" if it even deserves that name.

  • KiwiJohnno 3 months ago

    Yeah, the opposition party that is proposing building nuclear plants justifies their plan by pooh-poohing the detailed costings of the current government's plan to move to mainly renewable sources, they claim (without evidence) that the ACTUAL costs will be 10x higher.

    And they also have no detailed costings of their plan, but they claim that Australia, who currently has no nuclear industry, can build nuclear power plants faster and cheaper than any other country has before.

    The LNP nuclear plan is pure fantasy. The actual plan is just to disrupt and delay the shift to renewables, and extend the use of fossil fuel generators.

    • yfw 3 months ago

      This. It's not a serious policy. If it was there would be details instead of vague promises to be revealed after the election

tracker1 3 months ago

This is all political grandstanding. I say this as a proponent of Nuclear power usage. Energy independence is critical for too much of the world that does not currently have it. Coal is horrible in so many ways and really needs to be displaced. I don't like pollution and don't think wind/solar are the end all, be all solution. In the end, this isn't a plan so much as a rough idea without enough detail to come close to success.

The US is having a rough time spinning up production on new plants. I can only imagine starting from even further back. It may be better or worse, but at least different.

FLT8 3 months ago

Or... given Australia is heading down the path of acquiring nuclear submarines, maybe it makes some sense to bootstrap a nuclear industry in advance of that?

  • jeeeb 3 months ago

    Australia already has a research reactor in Lucas Heights, Sydney. It’s a significant production facility for radioisotopes used in medicine.